Daniel Greig
Ty Wilson
Cultural Projects
Book & Black has created and installed interactive exhibits for a number of cultural institutions including: Healesville Sanctuary, Melbourne Museum, Scienceworks, Immigration Museum, and Shrine of Remembrance. Book & Black’s directors have extensive experience in concept design, technical development, remote and on-site support, and on-site commissioning of interactive multimedia systems in cultural institutions in Australia, the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Kuwait.
Changed Forever
Shrine of Remembrance, 2019
An interactive story exploration kiosk initially based at Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, before journeying around Victoria for display in visitors centres.
Melbourne Museum, 2019
A large multi-touch game table allowing two teams of multiple players to try consuming different food types to affect their team's gut microbiome.
Predators/Carnivores Pledge Screen
Melbourne Zoo, 2017
This 55" outdoor weatherproof display screen runs software that pulls approved social media posts from a social media aggregator and cycles through the posts in a grid fashion. Pledge counts and conservation images are updatable by staff via a web administration interface.
The screen with its bright colours, bold animations, and attractive imagery is a great final stop in the new predators area of the zoo.
Koala Forest Pledge System
Healesville Sanctuary, 2016
The “Koala Forest Pledge Point” is an interactive multimedia presentation that aims to prompt visitors to reduce their impact on native forests by pledging to switch to recycled toilet paper. The pledge point is presented on a 60 inch weather proof kiosk housing with an accompanying brass toilet roll pedestal positioned in front of a large eucalyptus tree. To begin the experience, visitors place their hand on the brass toilet roll beginning a voice over where “the tree” asks users to make their pledge to save the habitat of the koalas by switching to recycled toilet paper. During the pledge a camera captures an image of the visitor(s) which is “transported” to the top of the tree for safe keeping.
Biomedical Breakthroughs Interactive Kiosks
Melbourne Museum, 2016
The Face Invaders kiosk is a game-based multimedia exhibit set in a retro-style arcade game table that aims to teach visitors about the mechanisms involved in fighting flu or other viral infections through vaccinations. We worked closely with Museum Victoria project and curation staff over a number of iterations to supply software that was widely praised by visitors and staff.
The “Molecule Spinner” kiosk shows visitors an interactive 3D molecule that can be inspected and manipulated in order to find “binding” sites appropriate for particular drugs. The exhibit aims to show visitors the complexities involved in modern drug research by providing a fun experience that highlights the difficulties in the research process. Like the “Face Invaders” exhibit, we worked closely with Museum Victoria staff over a number of iterations to provide a successful software solution.
Underwater Backyard Interactive and Projection Dome
Scienceworks, 2014
The “Underwater Backyard” exhibit was display as part of the “Deep Oceans” at Scienceworks. The interactive exhibit invited visitors to explore the unique ecology of Port Phillip bay via a touchscreen and immersive projection dome. A selection of underwater video footage projected onto a large immersive dome, was accompanied by explanatory videos narrated by a marine biologist. The exhibit allowed visitors to get a unique glimpse of their “Underwater Backyard”.
Regional Stories Touring Interactive Kiosk
Shrine of Remembrance, 2014
The “Regional Stories” kiosk is a ruggedised travelling kiosk that spent a number of years travelling around regional Victoria, showcasing stories from residents who were involved in World War I. A content management system provides staff with the ability to curate and update hundreds of stories with accompanying media and the kiosk displays these stories on a map- based menu with dynamic content-aware animation effects.
Convict Road iPhone and Android App
Parks NSW (with SHP Pty. Ltd.), 2013
The Old Great North Road is a World Heritage-listed walk within the remote Dharug and Yengo Nation Park, situated on the NSW Central Coast. Parks NSW engaged SHP Pty. Ltd. and Book & Black to produce and develop the Convict Road iPhone and Android app. The app provides map-based content selection of topics at various areas along the Road, and was developed mindful of the remote locations in which the app would be used so as to consider battery usage and lack of Internet connectivity.
The app was a finalist in the 2013 Australian Mobile Awards (Travel Guides category).
First Peoples Interactive Kiosks
Melbourne Museum, 2013
Book & Black was commissioned to develop several interactive kiosks for the newly constructed First Peoples gallery at Melbourne Museum. The graphic design was developed with Melbourne Museum and features interactive video playback kiosks, large format digital document exploration, and article based content browsing.
Identity Gallery Interactive Kiosks
Immigration Museum, 2011
Book & Black was commissioned to develop several interactive kiosks for a newly constructed gallery at Immigration Museum titled Identity: Yours, Mine, Ours.
The kiosk graphic design was developed with the museum’s graphic design staff, and Book & Black provided animated elements to integrate the look-and-feel into the space. The kiosks each provide a content management interface for museum staff to update content, and one kiosk in particular integrates with a server system for running a survey with dynamic results.
Commercial Lighting Installation Tracking System
Lifestyle Technologies, 2015 - Ongoing
Book & Black was commissioned to provide a customised installation of our BBForms digital forms management system for use by Lifestyle Technologies to manage their commercial lighting upgrade installation efforts.
The system manages a large amount of installation records and facilitates the exchange of these records between the server system and a fleet of iPads running our BBForms iPad form system software.
The system is highly configurable, and the BBForms technology allows changes to data forms to be effected rapidly, resulting in faster adoption of changing legislative requirements in the energy efficiency space.
"CARDS" NSW energy efficient product tracking system
Energy Makeovers, 2014, ongoing
An internal data processing, analysis, management, and reporting system for handing millions of sales transaction records for NSW retailers of energy efficient white goods and appliances in accordance with state laws and regulations for the generation and management of ESC energy certificates.
CARDS was built with sophisticated record analysis to adhere to changing legislation and eligibility criteria for certificate generation, and has become a critical and central component in the client’s business unit.
A public-facing data form system for registered users to submit applications for energy certificate creation, with form validation in accordance with state legislation, an administration-managed workflow, and notification components.
The client’s office administrators have a separate view into the system to manage the work flow of records from receipt through to certificate creation and automatic invoice generation.
The system has become a critical part of the client’s business unit.
FIRS Victorian energy efficiency product installation tracking server system and iPad app
Energy Makeovers, 2010, ongoing
An internal data processing, analysis, management, and reporting system for handing hundreds of thousands of installation records of energy efficient products and accessories in Victorian households. Installation records are captured on a custom developed iPad app and enforce legislative data collection requirements and integrity checks.
The system has become a critical part of the client’s business unit, and continues to receive updates driven by changing governmental regulations in the industry.
BAL Plan iPad app
Alpine Shire Council, 2012
Book & Black worked closely with the Alpine Shire Council to design, develop, and test a closed-distribution iPad app which allowed Council planning officers to assess the relative fire danger of proposed construction sites in real-time whilst out in the field.
The app integrated with 3rd-party APIs for geospatial systems to obtain vegetation, terrain, and custom mapping data. Where Internet connections were not available, the app cached data for processing at a later, network-connected time.
The BAL Plan app won significant praise and recognition from the wider community including several state, national, and international awards.
Fire Inspections iPad app
Alpine Shire Council, 2011
Book & Black was commissioned to produce an iPad that facilitates fire safety inspections of properties within the shire. The app integrates directly with a database installation provided by the client and handles record synchronisation and exchange.
The Fire Inspections app won several awards for fire safety innovations in local and state government areas.
Honours and Awards
Award for Spatial Enablement
Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards, 2014
Awarded to Alpine Shire Council for the BAL Plan iPad app developed for the council by Book & Black.
Commendation: Improving Planning Processes and Practices
National Awards for Planning Excellence, 2014
Awarded to Alpine Shire Council for the BAL Plan iPad app developed for the council by Book & Black.
Finalist: Australian Mobile Awards—Travel Guides category
Australian Mobile Awards, 2013
For the "Convict Road" iPhone app developed for NSW Parks and Wildlife Service in conjunction with SHP. Shortlisted then selected as a Finalist in the 2013 Australian Mobile Awards, Travel Guides category.
Planning Excellence Award—Improving Planning Processes and Practices
Planning Institute of Australia, 2013
Awarded to Alpine Shire Council and Book & Black for the BAL Plan iPad app.
Victorian Government Award for Spatial Excellence
Spatial Industries Business Association, 2013
Awarded to Alpine Shire Council for the BAL Plan iPad app developed for the council by Book & Black.
Finalist: Excellence in eGovernment (Geospatial category)
Australia Government Information Management Office, 2013
For the BAL Plan iPad app developed for Alpine Shire Council by Book & Black.
Fire Awareness Awards (New and Emerging Technologies Award)
Country Fire Authority, 2012
Awarded to Alpine Shire Council for the Bushfire Inspections iPad app developed for the council by Book & Black.
Fire Awareness Awards (Government and Municipal Award)
Country Fire Authority, 2012
Awarded to Alpine Shire Council for the Bushfire Inspections iPad app developed for the council by Book & Black.
Commendation: Improving Planning Processes and Practices
Planning Institute of Australia, 2012
Awarded to Alpine Shire for the Bushfire Inspections iPad app developed for the council by Book & Black.
LGICT Innovation Fellowship Award
Local Government Information, Communication, and Technology (LGICT), 2012
Awarded to Alpine Shire Council for an iPad-based Asset Inspection System developed for the council by Book & Black.